All too often we meet with foodservice clients that only really focus on the main “big 5” general distributor channels. In some product categories, the first source choice of foodservice operators are independent or specialist distributors who are responsible for larger volumes in those categories.
We are seeing more structural changes in Foodservice Distribution with the recent Metcash/Superior tie-up which occurred after our recent report was published in January. Will this have any impact?
Our just published report volumes on Distribution in the Australian Foodservice market reveal significant changes in distributor’s own brand/private label versus manufacturer’s brands. Some distributor choices that changed during Covid have lingered on, and independent/specialist distributors account for the largest volume of sales dominating significantly in certain product categories. The number of distributors in foodservice can be counted in the thousands and is very fragmented.
Do you only focus on the big players? That could be a mistake. We suggest that a regular review is essential to maximiase your distribution channle opportunities. Have you aligned your distribution strategy with foodservice operator market behaviour?
Click here to read about our annual Distribution in Australian Foodservice Report.